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  • Nicholas Nebulae

Interview with Steven D'Onofrio

Omg!! He needs to stahp! We just cannot stand it! He is just too cute!

*in our best 90's Sailor Moon voice*

So listen guys!! We got the chance to catch up with KAWNPAI Artist, Entertainer, Full-time Cat Dad, Viewster Content Creator, Steven D'Onofrio. We did a little Q & A with D'Onofrio, and trust us when we say, we crushed even more with every answer. Lol.

We ask him about his past, going from leaving home in New York to Japan to settling down here in good ol' Sunny California. (We hate the heat, but it's home). We don't know what it is, but his personality just glows through the text.

Well WTF you waiting for?! Go read the f*#%in' interview:

GZine: So we understand you're from New York and studied in Japan before settling down in LA. What was that like? Did you feel homesick? Scared? Culture shock? or did you just fit right in?

D'Onofrio: Honestly, it was all of those things! The first month I loved it – very honeymoon stage. The second month, I started getting a little homesick and comparing everything to back home. After that, I was still a bit homesick, but I stuck through it and just explored as much as I possibly could. You push through. By month 4, I got the gist and began to blend into the Tokyo scene, ha!

GZine: Why LA, though?

D'Onofrio: I know I wanted to be in entertainment. I also needed a major change after returning to the states. I love New York, but it wasn’t time to move back yet. And well, here I am!

GZine: Have you worked with any big names out there yet?

D'Onofrio: I’ve definitely met some amazing people in this industry! Just the other day I had drinks with Taku Takahashi from m-flo! That was so insanely surreal!

GZine: We love KAWNPAI. It's almost like a little talk show of sorts. Tell us a little bit about the background. What inspired you to create this project?

D'Onofrio: Aw, thank you!!! Well, I knew I wanted to create not only a fun comedy show, but a sort of “space” where people could come hang out with me digitally. I had the option to film the show at a studio, but I think filming in my living room is more intimate. I wanted to create this show because I wanted to bring the industry closer to the fans. As you’ve seen, I have friends of mine within the industry on and have a drink with me! I think sometimes that’s what the anime and comic industry lacks – the ability to hang with your favorite voice actor or personality. I think Kawnpai helps break through that barrier.

GZine: What is the future of KAWNPAI? What can we expect in the next episode?

D'Onofrio: Season 1 is just about the wrap up! I’m actually really excited for the next episode of this season – it’s all about my back tattoo, Majora’s Mask and what it represents to me. You’ll just have to tune in and see! The cocktail is also really pretty!

GZine: You did a little music project which you released on Soundcloud last year, and even performed it. What was that like?

D'Onofrio: Very surreal. I’ll be the first to admit I’m nothing more than a tune carrier, ha! But I had a blast recording it and even more fun performing it live! I performed it for the first time at AkaiCon in Nashville last year. This last week, I performed the song throughout the 14 shows I did at Anime Expo. People liked it more than I thought they would! Ha!!

GZine: We actually really enjoyed the song. Will you be putting out original music? Is there more Steven D'Onofrio music content out there? Can we hear it? Lol.

D'Onofrio: Aw, well I’m glad you liked it! And if I’m speaking honestly, there IS more music coming soon! And maybe when it’s out of post-production, I’ll let you hear a snippet. Haha!

GZine: We've noticed that we have something in common — we both love us some BoA Kwon. Have you ever met her? What is your favorite song (any language), music video and why?

D'Onofrio: Ha, I love BoA so much! She’s my inspiration! Yes, I have met her! Several times! In 2008, I won “Who’s BoA’s biggest American Fan Contest” and was on TRL. I’m sure it’s on the Internet somewhere, but to paint a picture, I was ugly crying staring at her, haha. One of the best moments of my life! And in terms of favorite song… hm… that’s so hard!! One of my top favorite songs is definitely 그럴 수 있겠지...!? (Maybe... Maybe Not!?) – it was off her My Name album. I loved the instrumental and the lyrics are very pretty! There’s no music video, but it’s still an excellent song! I highly recommend!

GZine: What are your top 5 biggest pet peeves?

D'Onofrio: I don’t have TOO many pet peeves, but my biggest one is mouth noises. I physically am unable to even when I hear anyone making any kind of noise from their mouth, ha!

GZine: What are you most passionate about?

D'Onofrio: Honestly, my biggest passion right now is loving yourself. I want to spread that message through my web show and any events or conventions I go to. It’s probably the most important lesson I’ve learned in my entire life. And if you watch my show, you know I quote RuPaul at the end of each episode, “if you don’t love yourself, how the hell can you love somebody else?” – it has done a lot for me and I want to promote that. Be yourself. You’re perfect the way you are!

GZine: As members of the gay community, most of us had idols, especially us 90's kids. For us it was the Spice Girls and Selena. Who were your childhood idols?

D'Onofrio: Cyndi Lauper will always be a major influence in my life. We even have the same accent! Ha. I hope to one day collaborate with her and her True Colors Fund organization.

GZine: I think you would agree that as millennials, some of us went through a rough time growing up. But we have progressed since then thanks to activists like Harvey Milk, Cyndi Lauper, and Cher. You being in the public eye and all, we were wondering if you could offer your thoughts and advice for the gay youth that might be faced with similar obstacles in life.

D'Onofrio: I think the key to happiness in this life is to find your tribe. You need to find the people that will support you and help you climb that ladder. You’ll know when you find someone who belongs in you tribe when they accept YOU for who you TRULY are. Bottom line: don’t give up. Keep going, find that tribe, find happiness. You were put on this earth for a reason – don’t let it go to waste. Let’s all be small part of big change!

GZine: Thank you so much for being with us today Steven. We adore you and we hope all the best for you, and we hope you know how proud we are of you. adorable. xx

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