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  • N. Narciso

Halsey: hopeless fountain kingdom, A Masterpiece.

We know very well, who you are, Halsey! We are so excited for the latest album. We listened to it on our way to work today, and it's a fxcking masterpiece!! We can now say that we have our personal favorites. We love the entire album, but we are going to express our top five that we could name with our "Eyes Closed." [See what we did there, Halsey].


Of course, we love us some "Strangers," the lesb-iconic duet our homegirl, Halsey did with our other homegirl, Lauren Jauregui. (Stay tuned for our review on the latest Fifth Harmony single, "Down"). We love the Ace of Base and t.A.T.u. vibes we felt in our celestial core. We loved how the song made us feel. We felt so much emotion and spirit within the song, that we started to miss our girlfriend. (We gay though, guuuurl). Speaking of which, we want club remixes for the gays, ladies!


We have had this song on repeat since 3AM this morning. This song is so funky and it gave us memories of of P!nk's 2000 album release with LaFace Records, Can't Take Me Home. We plan to use the song as a part of our mix for our Hip Hop class final when this Autumn semester.


This song is very melodic and gave us some Ellie Goulding vibes with the way the vocals are sung. But the vocals are all 100% Halsey. The song is quite infectious and we love the music box within the instrumental as well. We love how the lyrics are bi-sexist (lol) as well.


The emotion in "Eyes Closed" is very heartfelt and heartbreaking. We started to feel sad and were reminded of past relationships (Yes, we dedicate it!) Now, being former colorguard members during our cute days in high school, (yes the gif above is us...GAH! NICKI FIX THE SAIL!) could see the song being performed during the Winterguard season. We feel the song could definitely could be complimented with a music video along with promotional club remixes.


As soon as this song came on, the intro reminded us of our dad's jams he has in his collection of vinyl records, cassettes, and CD's. When we heard the song, we felt that Halsey was speaking to us and telling how she has been feeling lately throughout her new journey of celebrity life. We really wanted to give her a hug.

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