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  • Nicholas Nebulae


We know that we promised that we were going to focus on the good and the positive — but there are two types of bad people in this world. Bad people who do bad things, and bad people who see bad things done by bad people and say or do absolutely nothing. We will not sit here, and be either of those people. However, we will try our best to speak on this topic without breaking that promise.

We don't want to have to give details on this next subject, as we love and respect the Quintanilla's and Pérez; but in order to give you a proper understanding, we gottta go forward. Some time ago, there was a big dispute between Selena's father, Abraham Quintanilla Jr and her husband, Chris Pérez. Reason being Perez's 2012 memoir, To Selena With Love had been offered a televised series deal. Quintanilla Jr. did not approve of it, so unfortunately a court hearing took place, and the series based on Perez's book was thrown out the window. And to be honest, we felt that the movie did Selena and her life justice all the same either way. Even though Perez had posted and pointed out things that Hollywood moved around or fudged a little bit to make it all work for the 1997 Warner Bros. film. That same year however, María Celeste Arrarás a news reporter from — at that time — Univision, had released a "tell all" book of her own based on the words, excuse us, LIES from Selena's ex-fan club president who murdered her in cold blood on March 31, 1995, Yolanda Saldivar. The book was called El Secreto de Selena: La Reveladora Historia Detras de Su Tragica Muerta. It was translated into English and both the Spanish and English copy, Selena's Secret: The Revealing Story Behind Her Tragic Death, were given a re-release with an entirely different cover. showing only Selena and not featuring Saldivar whatsoever as the first edition had. We do not understand why Pérez was able to be stopped, but not Arrarás. But according to some Facebook comments, she wasn't able to be.

Not too long after the trail between Pérez and Quintanilla Jr., it was later brought to our attention by Selena's sister, Suzette Quintanilla that, that same book by Arrarás was gaining attention yet again only to find out later that it was being turned into a Telenovela series on Telemundo, the same channel she works for currently. Suzzette emotionally states in a now what seems to be deleted video post on Instagram,

"Most people don't think that I would come out and say something. Because normally I avoid negativaty. But THIS is different. YOU, Maria Celeste is full of crap! Your book is based on a whole bunch of LIES. Do you know where those lies came from? Your source is the person who KILLED, cold-heartedly MURDERED my sister. Shot her in the back, and left her to die. It makes my stomach sick to think that, What kind of world do we live in where it's okay to have your source - of somebody writing a book - the actual killer that took my sister's life? It's dis[gusting]." She was heated and we were heated for her, and we have to agree with Suzzette.

Some time later, we would see Arrarás being interviewed pretty much echoing the words of Saldivar. Now, we do not believe a single thing that came out of Saldivar's mouth, and it coming out of the mouth of Arrarás, doesn't make dog shit, not dog shit by sprinkling sparkling glitter over it like Parmesan cheese. To be honest the interview made us feel the same way we do whenever we are exposed to FOX NEWS at work during our lunch break....

But let us suppose for one second that these fabricated lies by both of these women (Saldivar and Arrarás) and the supposed "lover" mentioned by them, was in fact a reality. Even if the Quintanilla family themselves came out and admitted to us that it WAS reality; what kind of respect would that be for a departed soul that they and we (the fans) love and miss with every fiber of our being??? It would be, and it is absolutely NONE OF OUR GOD DAMNED BUSINESS, and it is NONE OF MARIA CELESTE'S GOD DAMNED BUSINESS either!!

We have not seen the trailer, and we do not want to see the trailer., but we did read a blog/article, A graphic 'El Secreto de Selena' trailer leaked, and fans are uncomfortable, written by Cindy Díaz on where we pretty much agreed with the message in her text, while the gifs depicting a very bloody actress portraying Selena falling at the lobby of a Days Inn Motel and dropping a faberge egg ring left us upset and with the urge to vomit. We do not want to watch this disgusting series. We do not want the Telenovela to even exist. Because sure enough, this disgusting woman is going to profit off of the name and off of the spilled blood of our Queen, Selena Quintanilla-Pérez.

We grew up with Selena in our lives and we idolized her from a very young age. And Selena was and still continues to be a woman that we as Latinos (not just Mexicans..and not just Chicanos but the ENTIRE Latino community) have embraced as a hard-working, good-hearted human being of the strong female race, and we would like to continue doing so. We believe that she should be resting in peace as we remember her through her music, videos, documented interviews, and her biopic — and NOT being gunned down yet again, only this time by MARIA CELESTE!

Please support us by NOT watching this disgusting portrayal of our queen. DO NOT put money in the hands of María Celeste nor the production company of this CRAP! Reach out to María Celeste Arrarás and let her know that she is adding salt to wounds, and that she is no better than the animal that took Selena away from us.

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