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  • Nicholas Nebulae

New York Rapper, Loco Ninja Releases Single on Pride Day!

While we were on our way back from San Francisco Gay Pride, we saw an update from our favorite Spanish Harlem, New York rapper Loco Ninja in form of a post to a link to Soundcloud upload of his latest single "BEACH HOUSE" that is to be included on his EP by the same name.

We couldn't wait, we HAD to listen to the song. Thank the technology gods for Bluetooth and Bluetooth-friendly mobile devices!! We were in Dublin, California when we slapped it on our boyfriend's car stereo and our inner-Loco Ninja had us like...

We have to admit it, we fucking loved the song!! The intro had given us some Imogen Heap vibes, then the phat ass beat and catchy chorus kissed our ears and we were hooked. In fact, we have been replaying it now as we speak! We have taken the liberty to include the file below so you can take a listen with us. We plan to remix the track soon and pitch it along with the original to all of our DJ frans!! All we got left to say is, let's bring his fine ass to California to perform!! #LocoNinjaSFPride2018!

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